More sea: 'Planet Ocean' at Gasometer Oberhausen

Exhibitions & Museums

Swim through the middle of a huge school of fish, dive with the giants of the seas or listen to the crunching of corals.

This is possible without a diving suit or breathing mask as part of the current Gasometer exhibition.

Gasometer, © Dirk Böttger

´Planet Ocean´ presents the fascinating beauty of the world's oceans and their diverse life forms. Large-format photographs and films show the layered life of this complex ecosystem and the consequences of human use of the oceans. An immense cinema offers the world's tallest screen. As part of the immersive staging ´The Gulf´, marine animals magically float through space. Special projection technology also creates the feeling of being underwater. The extent to which sea levels are rising due to climate change is just one subject that can be explored with the ´Ocean Twin´. This digital ´twins´ of the world's oceans is an interactive globe that visualizes the latest findings.

In addition to numerous visual impressions, including exhibits such as the imposing skull of a 14-meter-long fin whale from 1898, the specially designed acoustic space offers a special listening experience. The composition "Sound from the Deep," staged as a three-dimensional spatial sound, takes the listener on a thrilling acoustic journey from the mouth of the Rhine to the North Sea to the Antarctic Sea.

The exhibition has been extended until Nov. 30, 2025.

Gasometer, © Dirk Böttger