Van Oosten Uitgeverij has been publishing magazines since 2005, which are distributed to households and/or at tourist and cultural sites. It concerns information from German territory, intended for Dutch speakers.
The print publication NordRhein-Ruhr Topevents is an annual publication that is issued at the end of March / April.
The NordRhein-Ruhr print edition appears in the spring/summer and autumn/winter seasons, respectively in mid-May (in 2020 and 2021 in August) and mid-November.
In addition, this completely redesigned website from 2020 is an additional online publication, now in German and English in addition to Dutch.
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Would you like to receive for a year 1 issue NordRhein-Ruhr Topevents and 2 issues NordRhein-Ruhr. This is possible for a fee of €25 to cover administration and shipping costs. Please fill in the contact form on this website or send an e-mail to
Although this website and the magazines have been compiled with the greatest possible care, the publisher does not exclude any liability for possible errors, inaccuracies, etc. Reproduction of this publication is prohibited without written permission from the publisher.