The Maas-Swalm-Nette Border Park charms with its variety of landscapes: numerous fitted hiking trails run through woods and heaths, through stream valley landscapes and along lakes and streams. The Border Park also has a rich cultural history. This can also be experienced digitally. An app titled "Along traces - biography of a landscape" presents around 350 cultural-historical sites in the German-Dutch border region in multimedia form using videos, photos and audio. This awakens the explorer spirit of visitors and makes cultural history digitally accessible.From abandoned monasteries, castle ruins, historic town centers, historic buildings, special cultural landscapes to former quarries - the Maas-Swalm-Nette Border Park is a region with a rich cultural history. A journey through time in the midst of nature. The files can be loaded at home via website in order to be able to use the content outside in the Border Park without the Internet if necessary.