Ruhr Metropolis

Featured 2024

Nearly 9,200 events at 200 locations in Metropolis Ruhr

There is much to see and do in the Ruhr region. A detailed overview of the events organized by Regional Verband Ruhr can be found on the website, accessed by clicking on the picture below.

Sunset Picnic Halde Hoheward 2022. Photo: Ruhr Tourismus GmbH/Ravi Sejk

Hikingday Ruhr 2024

The new highlight for hiking enthusiasts

On September 7, 2024, a new highlight for hiking enthusiasts will take place for the first time this year: then the Regional Verband Ruhr will organize the Hiking Day Ruhr 2024, formerly known as the Hiking Day of the Ruhr, which will lead around the Landscape Park Hoheward in Herten and Recklinghausen. With the two imposing mining hills Hoheward and Hoppenbruch, it forms the largest mining hill landscape in Europe. On this day there are two hikes with different route lengths on hikers. Ultimately, both tours are linked by the experience at the summit and the impressive panoramic view from the Hoheward mine hill over large parts of the Ruhr metropolis.

If you still have strength after the day, you can party on the mine hill at the end of Hiking Day Ruhr: On the plateau of the mine hill Hoheward the popular Sunset Picnic takes place from early afternoon. That means: Chilling and dancing to electronic sounds with a breathtaking view! Participation is free, registration is not required. More information can be found by clicking on the picture below.

Magazine Ruhr

Below you can download the pdf file of the latest quarterly KIR Kulturinfo Ruhr publication.